Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I MADE IT TO # 10!!!!  I am a third of the way there.  However, I believe that it will only get tougher from here because I am really going to have to rely on other people and appointments to get this done.  No longer can I just go out and do something on my own.  So tonight, I remembered that some college kids usually play Ultimate Frisbee beside the school where I teach physical education.  Now I have been on this field for many years teaching my kids how to play games like this, but it has been since college since I've played a true game of ultimate.  I drove up only to find out that I would definitely be the only 37 year old going gray at this event.  They did, however, welcome me with handshakes and then came that dreaded moment that everyone hated back in high school......who will be shirts and skins!!!  And of course, I would be one of those skins.  Notice folks that there will be no pictures on this blog.  Let's just say that we did not need any of the overhead field lights on since I was there lighting the field.  Anyway, with that said, what a great workout and fun game!  This was definitely one of my more successful events so far.  I successfully caught every pass made to me and I'm pretty sure that I passed for a touchdown through several people.  They didn't really acknowledge it but I think I did.  Now I was passed up for the winning touchdown.  I was wide open and the guy gave me a look but chose to throw another way.  He caught it and we won!  It's nice to finally be in a true competitive contest where I was a part of a win!  That is something that will not happen very often in this challenge so I'll take it!  By the way, these guys had some very impressive throws.  Great lead passes as well as forehand and backhand passes.  I need to practice that more!

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